Friday, June 30, 2006

Does everyone remember my beloved cow-mobile?

Let's hear it for the 80's !!!!!!!!!
** Blast From the Past **
(Thanks to Auntie Karen)

My 5th Birthday!

Kerri and I in front of our old house on Alice. (Nov. 1977)

Me again. (April 1979)

Me when I was 8 years old and Kerri when she was 5 years old. (Christmas 1979)

Me, Kerri and Dad going for a boat ride at Encanto Park.
I remember it just like it was yesterday.

Thank you again Karen!!!

I don't want that bone.
I don't like that bone.
You can keep it mommy.

I will just guard this cord for you instead.
My new job -

I don't know if you can read my new NAME TAG (yes, I am going to be wearing a name tag from here on least for awhile) but it says Fry's.

Sorry mom, I know it is far from glamorous but it will suit me just fine for now.

I'm tired of the phones.
I'm tired of tech. support.
I'm tired of talking out the side of my mouth and most of all, I'm tired of not advancing.

So, here we go with something new. Wish me luck, I have a feeling I'm going to need it. :-)
New driver's license -

The last 2 days have been a living nightmare. I went to the DMV (twice), Social Security (twice) and to the courts down town where I parked to far away and ended up approx. 4 blocks away from where I was supposed to be. Oh well, live and learn, right? (insert weak laugh here).

The good news is that I ended up with a new driver's license and I should have a new SS Card in 10-14 days.

***Important note***

NEVER LOSE YOUR SS CARD because it may turn in to a nightmare. ;-)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Family Picture -

Thank you "photographer" Josh for dealing with all of us and all of our cameras. :-)

Dana and Me -

HA HA! Gotcha Mom! :-)

Kerri & Josh -

Drinking.... as usual. (hee hee) Just kidding!!!

Dana and Lucy -

The two girls are just relaxing before dinner.

Brandy and Chris -

Brandy showing off her man and her new "blinged" goblet (which says "BOSS" by the way).

Brandy, Chris, Dana, Kerri and Josh -

Before dinner drinks and snacks.
Mmmmm Mudslides (slurp, slurp).

Wake up Dana!

Poor Dana.... She has had a busy, busy week. Thank you for bearing with our family Dana.

Mom and Dad (again) -

Dad just loves having his picture taken.
Can you tell? ROFL!!!!

Mom and Dad -

Busy in the kitchen preparing for Dana's arrival.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kerri & Dana -

Yeah!!! Cousin Dana has arrived!
Kerri was kind enough to call and confuse Uncle T.J. while announcing her safe arrival.

Frank -

Frank made himself right at home while eating his Dingo (bone).

I just LOVE this rug.

Dana & Kerri -

Just getting caught up on all the family gossip.

Kerri: "I remember your mom drinking Tab."
Dana: "I think it was Susan who drank Tab."

Kerri and Tahoe -

Tahoe never strays far from his mommy's side. Don't they make a great team?

Picture says it all... Right? :-)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Pug Bridge -

I was trying to play with Frank and I guess he didn't want to because he just walked around me and pretended I was a bridge for him to sit under. He is always doing something new to crack me up.

P.S. See what Mike makes me watch?!?!

Mike raking pods -

See how big our mesquite tree is?


Mesquite trees drop a LOT of pods. We filled up two of these garbage cans full of pods this morning. Grrrrr I don't think I like mesquite trees anymore.

Hummingbird -

I don't know what my fascination with hummingbirds is... really I don't.... I think it is all my mom's fault. :-) J/K. (hee hee)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Explaining the new rules.

note: Kerri likes my outfit. LOL!!!! Sorry about that folks, I was getting ready for bed and YES! I am aware that it was still light out. I go to bed early, what can I say.... I'm old. :-)

Do not cross this imaginary line.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Kiss...

Gosh mommy, I wasn't at the vet for THAT long. Quit kissing me. Sheesh!

Frank's vet visit...

Mommy made me go to the vet today because she suspected that I have a bladder infection and guess what... she was right. I am already feeling better though so I think the "road to recovery" is going to be a smooth and quick one. I have some antibiotics that I will be taking and mommy said "NO MORE PODS"!!!! She can't prove it but she is very suspicious and thinks they may be what caused my infection.

Oh, and don't let me forget to give you an update on my current weight.....
Last vet visit = 33.40 lbs.
This vet visit = 29.60 lbs.


The bad news is that I am still overweight so we will keep doing what we have been doing because it IS working. :-)

Monday, June 19, 2006


Dad -

I think dad is pleased with the battery powered grill cleaner that he received from Kerri.

Mom, Lucy and Dad -

Lucy was kind enough to get dad some cigars for father's day.

Mom, Lucy and Dad -

Dad also got some new clothes.

Kerri and Josh -

Brandy and Chris -

Dad and Mike -

Kerri and Lucy -

Just having some after dinner fun.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The hummingbirds are being SO cooperative today!

WOo HOo!!!

Egg Rolls...

Thorp style !!!

Are your mouths wathering yet?

Red Throat -

Sorry, it's a little blurry but you can sure see the red throat, huh?

What can I say? He's a character all right. :-)

Hummingbird -

How cute is that? I'm off to try and get more good pictures. :-)