Monday, July 31, 2006

Hey Mom! Remember these?

Kerri and I were talking the other day about how we used to stick them all over our shirts and then come running to find and show you. Don't ya miss that? :-)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Black Widow -

Look what I found outside our front door.
Mr. Black Widow met with an angry shoe and is no longer with us.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!!

Frank is enjoying one of his new bones.

Sleepy boy -

This is Frank waiting for me (in my chair) after I went to work this morning. He is such a good little momma's boy.

Slug ?!?!

Found several of these after the rain as well. I had NO idea that we even had slugs in Arizona. Go figure.

Frank and Mike were having a good ol' time fighting this afternoon while I was at work.
Oh, and did I mention that I quit Fry's? Well, I did awhile back (I only lasted 1 week actually). Anyway, I have a new job now though at Pegasus Solutions Inc. doing tech support for hotels. It is SO much better and is going to be a real learning experience. It is all very exciting.

As you can see, our yard got a little flooded during the "big rain" 2 nights ago.
Frank didn't seem to mind much though as he was still able to patrol for pods.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hot Pug!

Poor little boy. LOL!

What the heck bit me?


Washed, Waxed and Ready to go -

and it was NO easy to task. :-)

Pug Toy -

As you can tell, Frank is just pleased as punch.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Baby Lizard -

This is one of two baby lizards we saw today. Isn't it cute?

Hot day...

It was extremely hot today... and the newspaper said it was only going to be 113 today. I beg to differ.

Frank has the right idea!


Look how I found Mike sleeping on the couch today.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My First Bike -

Just ran across another picture that Aunt Karen sent me. Mom and Dad gave me this bike for my 5th Birthday. :-)

Friday, July 14, 2006

~ Baby Frank ~

Since I wasn't doing this blog when I first got Frank I know everyone did not get to see him when he was a baby so I thought I would share some of his baby pictures.

4 months old.

Yes, I was a mean mommy and made him where a little T-Shirt (but didn't he look cute) Age = 4 months.

5 months old.

Mike decided it would be fun to see how much stuff he could stack on top of Frank (without waking him) one day while I was out.

And one thing will never change...

Frank will always be my little snuggle buddy.

~ The End ~

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Scorpion #4 -

Look at that...Mike accidentally (for reals) killed a scorpion this morning. He stepped on it without even knowing it. One of these days, unfortunately, we WILL capture a live one to take pictures of before sending it on to scorpion heaven. As you can see (in comparison to the bottle tree leaf) it was another small one.

We are determined in our quest to keep Frank safe from these little buggers.

P.S. Mike and I are now 2 for 2 -- stayed tuned to see who will get the next one.

P.S.S I bet it's me (Wendy). ;-)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Scorpion -

This little scorpion (approx. 3/4") came to visit and didn't make it back alive. First I smacked him with my shoe and then I stabbed him with scissors. His exoskeleton remained in fairly good shape though (creepily enough).

I HATE these things.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Colin and Sophie -

Colin and Sophie stopped by for a brief visit today.

Frank, Colin and Sophie -

Frank was sure to keep a close eye on Sophie while she was watching his toys for him.

Sophie, Me and Frank -

Frank was kind enough to wear his lei for Sophie's entertainment.

Sophie -

And then it was Sophie's turn to wear the lei. She was a true hawaiian beauty.

Sophie -

Sophie did a great job keeping track of Frank's toys when he wasn't busy with them.

Sophie -

Isn't she a doll? Just look at that smile!

Sophie and Frank -

Sophie does a great job keeping Frank busy and tiring him out for us.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Mom, Dad and Brandy -

Everyone is ready to get these two (Chris and Brandy) moved in to their beautiful new home.

Mike -

Oh brother... what have we gotten ourselves in to?

Uhaul -

See all that fluid on the ground. Yup... it's from the Uhaul. Aye Carumba!

Mike -

As long as it's not brake fluid....

Chris -

Ok Mike... you can drive.

Mike -

Yea... It's all good!

Brandy and Mom -

So we are going to get EVERYTHING in one truck load?

Dad and Chris -

Dad (the master packer) was actually able to get all the stuff from both Chris's and Brandy's apartments in ONE U-Haul. We were all very impressed needless to say and let me tell you... it was SO HOT in the back of that U-Haul.
As you can see, Frank was very happy to see us when we got home and
enticed us in to playing a game of "fetch the dirty mommy sock".

Tug, tug, tug.

No mommy! It's mine!

Can you tell I'm just all sorts of fired up?