Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Frank recently discovered that he could stand on the foot rest for the chair and he thought that was pretty neat.
He liked it so much he never got up to sit next to me. He just took a nap right there.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Kerri and Josh were kind enough to bring us some BEAUTIFUL flowers.
Will you hold these while I get a vase Mike?

Mmmmmm - TURKEY!

Look! It's NACHO TURKEY!!!

Pre-Dinner snacks and.... of course..... Football.

Master Chef Michael fried up one DELICIOUS Turkey!

Turkey is done!

It's finally time for dinner.

We really need to get Frank his own chair.

Now it's time to relax.

Darn Tryptophan

WHAT a profile!!!

I would like to thank Mom, Dad, Chris, Kerri, Josh, Michael and Frank for making our Thanksgiving so special!

Happy Thanksgiving to a WONDERFUL Family! :-)

Oh! and Thank you Travis for taking pity on me and working for me today so I could spend a GREAT day with my family. You RULE!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

It may only be 51 degrees right now but........

That does not stop Frank from getting a tan.

Yep, the Hummingbirds are still around.
They seem to be favoring the blue this week.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Colin and Sofie...
Sofie was VERY proud of herself up in the tree ALL BY HERSELF! YEAH!!!!!!

Don't feed Frank any more chips... ok Sofie? All right.... maybe ONE more. Get 'er Frank!

Kerri - THIS is what Mike does to Loofa's. NOW do you understand? ;-)

35 is NOT old!
Mom did her best to keep "scary" Maggie away from Lucy.

Lucy took refuge in her "safety zone" anyway.

Chris and Brandy

Josh and Kerri

We had a DELICIOUS dinner consisting of Tri-Tip Steak, yummy potatoes, salad and PIE!

WOo HOo!!!! PRESENTS!!!!
Thank you Chris and Brandy for the Macy's gift certificate. Hey Brandy, wanna go shopping?
Thank you Kerri and Josh for all a woman could need to help her look and feel young! :-)
Thank you Mom and Dad for the pampering last month, the jeans and sweater (what a bargain) and for all that you do.
I have the greatest family in the world. Thank you all!
Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL, EXTREMELY FRAGRANT flowers mom!
They certainly brighten up the room. I LOVE them!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Our New Doormat ...

How funny is that?


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Bandana Boy

In preparation for his "play date" on Saturday Mike took Frank to the Groomer's to be bathed, have his nails clipped and even got his anal glands expressed (Ewwww). Doesn't he look sexy in his bandana. :-) I just hope Frank stays somewhat clean until Saturday.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

~ Sophie's Visit ~

Something tells me I had better keep an eye on her.

Is she going to play with MY toys?

Oh... She just wants a hug... Isn't that nice?

Hugging is tiring work.

What? No more hugs?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What is it about this shelf that just seems to draw dogs to it?

First it was Lucy....

and then Maggie.....

I just don't understand it?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Who's the most pugthetic pug in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD?

That's right.....


Thursday, November 02, 2006

We didn't get many trick-or-treaters but Frank was definitely "on alert" so as to not miss a single one.

I wasn't terribly "mean" by making Frank put on a costume but he did get to wear his bow tie.

And doesn't he look handsome?

And what did Frank do after a long night of Trick-or-Treaters?

That's right... he settled down for a nap with two of his favorite cows.