Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We FINALLY had a GOOD bug come to visit us.
He hung out for an entire day...
It was a nice change. :-)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Scorpion #9 -

Well...... at least this guy was OUTside, right?

Scorpion score:

Wendy = 6
Mike = 3

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How ugly is this guy?

Ok, ok..... I am ready to admit that we have a problem. Mike found this guy in the bathtub this morning. I am not even sure how it got in there as the drain was closed. Best we can figure is that he must have climbed up the shower curtain and fallen in. He was good size too. See how long his legs are? Their long legs are the reason they are hard to kill because they can walk right over pesticide. However... he could not walk right over the bleach I poured on him. :-D

Scorpion score:
Wendy = 5
Mike = 3

P.S. I am SOOOO calling an exterminator today.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Arizona Sunset -

The sunset was just so pretty last night that I decided to share it with everyone.