Thursday, August 31, 2006

Just look at that face....
Okie day folks.... we have FINALLY determined our new furniture arrangement (and in just a few short weeks) !!!! :-p

So.... what do you think so far?

And, of course we CAN'T forget the Frankenstein......

Or the kegerator....

And Frank was "lucky" enough to get the leftover tube from the aluminum foil to chew on.

And again.... Chris and Brandy.... YOU RULE! Thanks again! :-)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I am here today to answer an "age old question"--
CAN Scorpions swim???

Answer: NO!!!!!

Scorpion Score:

Wendy = 4

Mike = 3

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Frank is enjoying his chew toy more than I ever could have imagined.

What a little weirdo.....

When it rains the yard in front of the porch gets a little saturated with water and Frank is a little to prissy to walk through the mud so I put down a little mat for him to use as a "bridge". Hmmmm... I guess it is good for other uses as well. :-)

But.... but.... momma, WHY would I want to sleep with the 3 stuffed animals I brought to bed when I can stink up.... err, I mean, SLEEP on your pillows?!?!


Frank was kind enough to get my attention one day, while I was doing laundry, to point out this disgusting creature under the bed. Yikes! Well, at least it was dead I suppose.

Chris and Brandy gave us some BEAUTIFUL new furniture but as you can see..... we are experiencing some difficulties with just HOW we are going to place all of the pieces.
..... stay tuned as I am sure there will be changes SOON! ;-)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Yes folks... that IS a scorpion. I know it's small and you can hardly see it but what really matters is that it is no more and I am winning with 3 kills to Mike's 2. WOo HOo!!!
I found the scorpion climbing up the wall yesterday after hosing off the porch and swooped in to make my capture. We then transferred it to the electronic bug zapper fly swatter thing and boy oh boy you should have seen it spark. I was giggling away the entire time (which is not very nice, I know) but you should have seen it "light up" and yes.... it stunk. :-)
Chris... you would have been proud. ;-)

Beautiful Bush -

All of the recent rain has brought "new life" to 3 of our bushes. Isn't it beautiful?

Toadstool -

Ack! Look at this giant toadstool we found in the front yard. Isn't it gross? LOL! I just can't help but laugh at it. Blech!


Aunt Evelyn was kind enough to send me the Birth-O-Gram my mom and dad sent out when I was born. Thanks bunches Evelyn!!!! It will be an awesome addition to my blog. :-)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Mike & Frank -

Mike and Frank had been busy "play fighting".
Mike decided he was done.
Frank decided he wasn't.

Frank got a bath and didn't want my help drying off.

He wanted to take care of that by himself.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lucy Girl -

Here is a picture mom sent me of Lucy with her new inflatable collar that allows her to chew on her bones but not her wounds. She appears to be adapting well. She still wears the plastic collar by night though as it is easier for her to sleep in.